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Air Conditioning Systems and Services in Lathrop, CA

Are you searching for a licensed, insured, and top rated air conditioning contractor in Lathrop, CA? If you, you’ve come to the right place!

We know-not exactly a surprise statement. What might surprise you is just how few people take that into account when scheduling their air conditioning services in Lathrop, CA! Trust us, we’ve seen too many people that have waited too long to service their systems. Or, worse, worked with individuals that shouldn’t have been trusted to handle those services to begin with. The good news is that DeHart Plumbing, Heating, and Air Inc. is here to give you the outstanding Lathrop AC services that you deserve.

Contact us for quality air conditioning services in Lathrop, CA.

air conditioning services

AC Installation and Replacement

Think your air conditioning installation in Lathrop is a simple operation? Think again! Doesn’t matter if you’re installing a heat pump, a central AC, or a ductless mini split. This is always a job for a trained professional. 

When the time comes for a new air conditioner-and that time will come-make sure you dial our number. Want to stick with the same type of system? We’ll help you find the one that best suits your needs. Want to try something new? Let us help you find the right replacement.

AC Repair and Maintenance

Does your AC sound louder than usual when running? Does it fail to cool your home effectively or efficiently? Is it failing to cool your home at all? Then you need our professional air conditioning repair services.

If you want to keep your AC repair needs to a bare minimum, then we strongly suggest that you join our Love Club. Routine air conditioning maintenance is, without a doubt, the very best way to protect the condition of your system.

Heat Pumps, Central AC & Ductless AC Services

We take cooling seriously. We also know that there is not a single air conditioning system that is right for every home or every homeowner. That is why we are proud to offer a wide selection of systems. 

We’ve got top of the line central air conditioners. We’ve got heat pumps for those looking to heat and cool their homes with one efficient system. We offer ductless AC services too, for those looking to optimize efficiency, convenience, and versatility.

hvac company