DeHart Plumbing, Heating, and Air Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Filter Facts: How Often Should You Change Your Filter?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Maintaining your air conditioning system is essential for ensuring a comfortable and healthy home environment. One critical aspect of air conditioning maintenance in Stockton is regularly changing the air filter. But how often should you change your filter?

This guide will explore the ideal frequency for filter replacement and explain why this task is vital for your AC system’s efficiency and your home’s air quality.

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AC Repair 101: Detecting a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

As spring comes to an end, your air conditioner becomes your best friend. But what happens when your cool oasis turns into a source of worry? A refrigerant leak can be a serious issue, impacting your comfort, wallet, and even the environment.

This blog post dives into the world of refrigerant leaks, focusing on how to detect them and why professional air conditioner service in Salida is essential.

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Evaporator and Condenser Coils: Everything You Should Know

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Your air conditioner works tirelessly to keep you cool during the summer months. But have you ever wondered how it actually achieves that refreshing blast of cool air? The secret lies in two crucial components: the evaporator coil and the condenser coil. These coils work together in a fascinating dance of heat transfer, and understanding their roles can help you maintain a comfortable home and avoid costly repairs.

And don’t forget–these components require regular AC maintenance in Oakdale. Schedule your first appointment with us when you get the chance.

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Tax Season: The Best Investments for Your Home Comfort

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Tax season is upon us, and while some might dread the process, others view it as an opportunity to invest in their homes. After all, a comfortable and efficient home environment is priceless. But with so many options available, how do you decide where to put that hard-earned tax refund? Look no further!

This guide explores some of the best investments you can make in your home comfort using your tax refund, focusing on your trusty HVAC system.

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Tracking Your Tune-Up: Staying on Top of Your AC with Maintenance and Monitoring

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Your air conditioner is your loyal summer companion, battling scorching heat and keeping your home cool and comfortable. But just like any hardworking appliance, it needs regular care to function efficiently and last for years.

Here’s where professional AC maintenance comes in, paired with the crucial practice of tracking your energy bills. This blog post explores the benefits of professional air conditioning tune-up in Tracy, CA and how monitoring your energy usage throughout the year helps you stay on top of your AC’s health.

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Is It Time to Retire Your AC?

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Now that we’re not depending so much on our air conditioning systems, we can finally start to look at the long term. While pumpkin carving season is upon us and you’ve likely got some good scary movies and costumes lined up, the age of your air conditioner might be the most terrifying thing of all.

Just like the ghosts we’re going to see trick or treating, your air conditioner might be about to expire and turn into a ghost itself. But as a homeowner, you might benefit tremendously if you’re ready for that expiration and can invest in AC replacement when it’s necessary. Or, if your air conditioner still has a few years left, you can instead opt for AC repair in Manteca, CA.

The choice might be yours, but you’ll want to make sure you make the smartest choice you can. Keep reading and be sure to call a team of experts for their opinion before you pay for a service that might be expensive.

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3 Steps to Take for Better Air Conditioning

Monday, October 9th, 2023

Air conditioning doesn’t have to be very complicated. The system turns on, your home’s air gets cooled, and you get to enjoy your life. For many homeowners, it’s as simple as that.

However, for other folks, that’s simply not good enough. Air conditioning has other factors that can impact your comfort, like the price of your energy bill or how comfortable the temperatures are when you set the thermostat.

We understand that everyone wants perfect air conditioning, but sometimes that perfection comes with a call to an HVAC professional for air conditioning service in Stockton, CA because the root of the problem goes pretty deep.

So, from a layman’s perspective, what can you do? How can you get more results out of your air conditioner without being a certified and licensed HVAC professional? Well, you can start by calling our team and following the three steps we’ve laid out below.

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How Expensive Is AC Service?

Monday, August 28th, 2023

If there was one simple answer to this question, then customers would be much faster on the draw when calling for repairs, right? Imagine investing in air conditioner repairs like you would go grocery shopping, with prices being listed on a sticker.

Unfortunately, the world of AC repairs doesn’t work like this, and it’s not really anyone’s fault. AC repair technicians need to diagnose a problem properly and have a conversation with customers before recommending a particular service. These systems can cost thousands of dollars, so it’s not uncommon for air conditioning service in Modesto, CA to cost a large amount of money.

But this doesn’t mean that you should be spending a thousand dollars for repairs on your 10-year-old air conditioner. There’s a line when AC repairs shouldn’t be too expensive, and we’ll get into detail about what that line might be.

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Where Does Cool Air Come From?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Sometimes, encountering an air conditioning problem can lead customers down a rabbit hole where they start to understand just how complex air conditioning is. For all the new AC enthusiasts who have decided to learn more about this process, welcome! It’s not as complicated as it might seem (although the extra long Wikipedia article might make it seem otherwise).

Air conditioning surrounds two concepts: heat and lack of heat. That’s it. And when your air conditioner runs, it moves heat from where you don’t want it (inside) to where it should be (outside), leaving a distinct lack of heat inside of your home.

So for the customers with broken air conditioners that think their box fans will do the trick during the next heatwave, this is simply not the case. Keep reading, but make sure you schedule air conditioning service in Tracy, CA.

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Tips for When It Gets Too Hot

Monday, July 17th, 2023

It’s no secret that we’re already reaching record-high temperatures as of late. And since we’re only in July, they’re likely to continue on this trend until fall finally hits full swing. This isn’t really much of a problem, since a quick trip to the beach or a day in the pool will likely make anyone feel great. But if you’re trying to spend your day-to-day life working, relaxing, or enjoying your hobbies indoors, then your AC is going to be working hard.

So, how about we ease the burden on your air conditioner by doing a few things that can improve temperature control in your home and increase your overall energy efficiency? Sound like a good idea?

There are plenty of things you can do, from hiring a professional for AC repair in Tracy, CA, to running your ceiling fan, that will help keep the scorching hot summer temperatures from causing trouble in your life.

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